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​作品 Works

寂寞大工厂 纸上丙烯 222x244cm 1997-1998

寂寞大工厂 纸上丙烯 244x313cm 1998

邻家女孩 布上油彩 90x90cm 1986-1987

刘小东像 布上油彩 40x50㎝ 2020

刘姥姥 100x80.3cm 布上油彩 2021

铁锈未眠 布上油彩 220x200cm 1996-1997

王琼像 布上油彩 130x97cm 2011

妈,李韵谦 54x74cm 布上油彩 1985

王率像 布上油彩 25.5x33.5cm 1992

我们曾经唱过同一支歌 110x150cm 布上油彩 1989

香水有毒2 58.5x43cm 布上油彩 2021

一万块 布上油彩 25x30cm 2020

校园的早晨 布上油彩 80x75㎝ 1987

硬通货一茅子 木板油彩 41x41cm 2022

红色大工厂 布上油彩 190×160cm 2005

大工业城市锦州 布上油彩 160x110cm 1994

铁西大工厂 布上油彩 120×256cmx3 1997

红色大工厂 木板裱布油彩 197×122cm 2007

大工厂 布上油彩 170×160cm 2016

寂寞大工厂 布上油彩 130×100cm 1997

寂寞大工厂 布上油彩 170×160cm x 2 2013

自画像 纸本素描

大工业城市 布上油彩 295×145cm 1994

寂寞大工厂 布上油彩 120x150cm 1995-1997

万水千山总是情 布面油彩

钢铁苍穹 300x400cm 布上油彩 1996

抽像系列一摇滚现场 1 号 布上丙烯 91x122cm 2023

寂寞大工厂 纸上丙烯 222x244cm 1998


​简介 Biography




《寂寞大工厂》中央美术学院附中美术馆,1997;《赵晓佳油画展1991—2001》上海陈梵画廊,2001;《香水有毒》上海圣菱画廊,2006;《赵晓佳绘画展》日本三条纸园画廊,2011;《老师也性感》日本泰明画廊,东京,2012;《铁锈未眠》北京今日美术馆,2013;《赵晓佳作品展》沈阳鲁迅美术学院美术馆,2015;《长子之殇一赵晓佳工业作品三十年全国巡展》,北京,上海,广州,深圳,重庆,沈阳,大连,2022—2023;“一个观众”赵晓佳摇滚行动绘画全国巡回展演,北京,上海,苏州,杭州,MAO Livehouse,2024;“将劈叉进行到底”赵晓佳与八佰三乐队全国巡演,北京,上海,苏州,杭州,重庆,南京,大连等,2024;《赵晓佳1985—2024》北京空间站艺术中心,2024

Born in the 1970s, Zhao Xiaojia studied at the Jinzhou Girls’ Vocational Art Education School and the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts from 1984 to 1997, and his works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, the Fukuoka Art Museum in Japan, the Guangdong Museum of Art, the Red Furnace Foundation of the United Kingdom, the Art Museum of the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, and the Liaoning Museum of Fine Arts, etc. He now lives and works in Beijing.


Main Solo Exhibitions

The Silent Big Factories, Central Academy of Fine Arts, 1997;

Zhao Xiaojia Oil Painting Exhibition 1991-2001, Chen Fan Gallery, Shanghai, 2001;

Perfume Poison, Shengling Gallery, Shanghai, 2006;

Zhao Xiaojia Painting Exhibition, Sanjo Paper Garden Gallery, Japan, 2011;

Teachers are also Sexy, Taimei Gallery, Tokyo, 2012;

Sleepless Rust, Beijing Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2013;

Zhao Xiaojia’s Works, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Shenyang, 2015;

The Death of the Elder Son: Thirty Years of Zhao Xiaojia’s Industrial Works, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Shenyang, Dalian, 2022-2023;

An Audience: Zhao Xiaojia’s Rock-and-roll Action Painting National Tour, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, MAO Livehouse, 2024;

Splitting to the End: Zhao Xiaojia and the Eighty-Three Band National Tour, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Nanjing, Dalian and others, 2024;

Zhao Xiaojia 1985-2024, Beijing Space Station Art Centre, 2024;

#赵晓佳# ZHAO





Space Station

4 Jiuxianqiao Rd, 798 Art Zone,

Chaoyang District

Beijing 100015

+86 10 59789671


周二至周日10:00 - 18:00

Opening Hours:

Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

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